There are a variety of options for you in customizing your layers, depending on the attribute upon which you want to focus. Choose an attribute from the list (basically, one of the columns of census data in the shapefile’s data spreadsheet) and play around with how you want to visualize it! ArcGIS Online lets you customize most aspects of the visualization.

Hover over the layer you’re working with and click the Change Style button (feel free to make a copy first if you want to play around with a couple of different viewing options).

Choose an attribute to show from the dropdown, then select a drawing style underneath (different options appear depending on whether the attribute is numeric or textual/categorical). You can also scroll down to the bottom and choose New expression to write a script that creates a custom expression combining attributes in some way.

For example, with the census data, you could combine the numbers of children of different genders and age groupings to get the total number of household members aged 17 and under, with a custom expression along the lines of $feature.Fem5to17 + $feature.FemUn5 + $feature.MaleUn5 + $feature.Male5to17.

Textual/Categorical Data (jobs, race, schooling, heritage…)

Numeric Data (acreage, ages, number of people in a household)

Screenshot of an ArcGIS Online map. On the left, a pane with layer visualization choices, with Counts and Amounts (sizes) option selected. And on the right, a map with points plotted for the town of Grinnell in 1900.
1900 Town of Grinnell census data showing total household numbers, mapped using the Counts and Amounts (sizes) visualization option.

Click the Options button at the center of the selected drawing style to customize the visualization on your map.

Each of the options outlined can be customized – both the visual aspects (like size, color, symbol, transparency) and some of the numeric aspects (such as data classification and breakpoints).

Screenshot of the options for customizing a data visualization option in ArcGIS Online

Screenshot of the options for customizing a data visualization symbol in ArcGIS Online

Reflection Questions

Once you’re finished customizing, make sure to click the blue Done button at the bottom of the viewing pane to make sure your changes are saved.

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