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Web Apps

What’s a web app? A web app allows you to share a customized and streamlined view of your map with external viewers. ArcGIS Online has a variety of templates for you to choose from, including a basic viewer with streamlined functionality and a comparison app for putting two maps into conversation with one another. Changes […]

Configuring Pop-Ups

You can configure the pop-ups that appear when you click on your data points. By default, they show all of the information from that point’s row in your data table – but some or most of this information may not be needed depending on what you are trying to showcase with your map. To configure […]

Customizing Layers

There are a variety of options for you in customizing your layers, depending on the attribute upon which you want to focus. Choose an attribute from the list (basically, one of the columns of census data in the shapefile’s data spreadsheet) and play around with how you want to visualize it! ArcGIS Online lets you […]

Making Copies of Layers

You may find it helpful to make copies of your layers, so you can use the separate copies to analyze different aspects of the data. To do so, simply click the “more options” button under the layer’s name when you hover over it, and select Copy. You can rename your copy using the Rename option under the same […]

Adding Layers

There are a couple different ways to add layers – for the purposes of this class, we will be adding layers of data from the Iowa Townships project by file. Our data takes the form of shapefiles (compressed in ZIP format): shapefiles are a file format for storing geographical location and attribute information data. These […]


What’s a layer? A layer is a collection of specific geographic data added to your map. Maps can have multiple layers that can be shown concurrently or hidden as needed to allow you to interrogate the interactions of multiple data sets or to focus where you need to.

Map Sharing Settings

By default, maps are private when you first create them, and visible only to you. This is great for drafting, but for the purposes of this class you will ultimately need to make sure your maps are visible to others! To do this, click the Share button at the top of your map editing page, or navigate […]

Returning to an Existing Map

Click Content in the top level menu (available when you click the Home button if you are currently viewing a map or other content) to see all your saved content and return to an existing map. Click the title of an existing map, then click the Open in Map Viewer button (top right) to continue editing.
