Saving Your Map

Click the Save button on the top level menu of the map view, then click Save As to save a new map or a new copy of an existing map: you will be prompted to give your new map a title and tags (required, but you can choose any you would like), and to add a summary, if desired. […]

Customizing a Map’s Appearance

You can customize the way your map looks by clicking Basemap in the top level menu of the map view, and then selecting your chosen basemap. You can change this at any time, so can come back and make edits for the best base map for your purposes once your data has been added to the map.

Creating a New Map

Click Map in the top level menu of your ArcGIS Online homepage to create a new map. From there, you will be taken to a new blank map for you to make your own!

Web Maps

What’s a web map? Esri, the company behind ArcGIS and ArcGIS Online, describes a web map as “an interactive display of geographic information that you can use to tell stories and answer questions” (source: Web maps).

Logging In

Everyone at Grinnell has access to ArcGIS Online through the College. You can access your account by logging in with your Grinnell College credentials at It is used in the browser, so you do not need to download anything special onto your computer.
